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Canine Freestyle - Dance, Heeling, Rally
Call Us: (519)902-4739

Canine Freestyle – Dance, Heeling, Rally



What is Canine Freestyle?

It is dance.
It is freestyle or precision heeling to music. dog-trick-750630_960_720
It is Rally to Music.
Its All About You and Your Dog Having Fun

Freestyle is as difficult or as simple as you want it to be.

It is a great way to bond with your dog, have some fun, and get to perform without traveling to shows, or needing a dog that can handle the show circuit.  Why? Because there are organizations that allow video entries into their shows. We have the HD cameras and lightings, the flooring, and the space. We record our member’s dance routines, free. dog-170160_960_720

It is a great way to prepare your obedience dog for competition. Older rally and agility dogs do not need to retire. You do not need to be physically fit.

Benefits of Canine Freestyle:

  • Teach your dog the foundation behaviors for all dog sports.
  • A fun way to teach advanced heeling and obedience
  • Find out why your dog is not winning at obedience or rally
  • Build confidence and teamwork in a fun, relaxed environment.
  • Build coping skills for pet dogs without taking more obedience courses.
  • Have fun
  • We accommodate disabilities in dogs and their people
  • Clickers, squeaky toys, and barking dogs welcome.
  • Ask us about our classes for reactive dogs.
  • Ask about private classes
  • You only do what your dog wants to do and has fun doing.
  • It is about what you and your dog enjoy doing. You don’t compete against anyone else. Each team has its strengths.

Click Here for more information about the types of Canine Freestyle, including Canine Freestyle Dance, and Heeling to Music.  How we teach the course. Our theories

Class Enrollment is ongoing:  Saturday 2-3pm, Thursday 2-3, Monday 7:30 – 8:30

Cost is $80 for 6 Weeks. Register on the first night, or in advance freestyle registration Form

Open Practice for all dog sports is available on K9Klub cards: 10 sessions $80

Saturday Morning 11 – 12

Please contact us if you have questions or would like to hold your place 519 902 4739