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Working Dog Training
Call Us: (519)902-4739

Working Dog Training

You’ve probably already noticed that you cannot train working breeds with the same dog training methods used with other dogs. No matter what you do, your dog is just too stubborn to obey. Or, you are facing dominant, or aggression problems. This can be corrected.

This course has a 90+% success rate. Many owners watch their dog’s behavior change in just 2 – 5 weeks. By the end of the course most dogs are working reliably, ‘off leash.’

Contact us if you are interested in this course: Contact Form

Or Sign Up Online: Working Breed Dog Training

Working  Dog Training Program

8 week at our center = $375 (4 private courses + 6 classes)

8 week at our center = $425 (8 private courses for dogs that don’t like other dogs)

Please Contact for private in home lessons

  • Private Lessons 1 to 1.5 hours long.
  • Approximately 3 months to finish the course

This dog training program starts with 4 weeks where you will learn to build a working relationship with your dog. Everyone in the family that lives with the dog is welcome to come.

Week 1 – 3 BEHAVIOUR  – You your puppy will know:

  • Engagement – Getting Focus and Obedience From Your Dog
  • Handling – How to Manage a High Drive Dog
  • Motivation and Control – How to Get Top Level Obedience
  • Motivation – Make your dog ‘want’ to give you 100%
  • Behavior Problem Solving – Stop problems before they start – Biting, jumping, lunging, barking
  • Drive Management and Control – Fun for You and Your Dog
  • This section does not include handling aggression, biting that continues more than one week, or reactive dogs. If you are facing these problems contact us and ask for help. Or Click to visit: our behavior program page

Week 4-6  Functional OBEDIENCE

We will take the skills learned to teach:

  • 7 Basic commands: voice and Hand Signals – sit, down, come, heel, leave it, drop it, stop.
  • Basic Heeling – Heel at left side on a loose leash
  • Quit – Do not bark or lunge
  • Place – go to your place and stay

Week 7 – 10  PROOFING

Prepping for Advanced Training: Distance, Distraction, Duration

  • Advanced Heeling – call to front, return to heel (left and right), heel behind, U turn,
  • Heeling around other dogs and people
  • Distance stay and recall (sit and down)
  • Handling by a vet or groomer skills
  • House manners
  • Advanced leave it with distractions

At the end of this course your dog will be able to pass the Canadian Kennel Club’s Good Neighbour Program.

This course comes with our ‘All Dog’s Graduate’ guarantee, and lifetime email/phone support. We also offer 2 hour a year training/tune up for the life of the dog.

Contact us if you want more information: Contact and Booking Information

See Our Online Calendar to Pick the Best Time for Your Private Session: Click For Calendar

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Or sign up online here

Working Puppy Socialization and Behavior

This is a comprehensive full dog training course designed to take your dog or puppy to the next level of advanced. We will work on public access and obedience. We will work on using the dog’s natural high drive to increase obedience.

We will also work to control the drive so that your dog doesn’t become dog aggressive or people aggressive as it grows.

In this course your dog will be working with our trainers and their dogs. We push the limits of their duration and distance.  This is a public access course.

Increase tolerance:

  • New environments
  • Loud noise
  • People
  • Dogs

Tasks Learned

  • Do not bite or bark
  • Do not lunge and pull leash
  • Come when called
  • Stay

Contact us if you want more information: Contact and Booking Information

8 weeks $350

*within 30 minutes of Aylmer. If you are more than 30 minutes of Aylmer we need to add travel time.

*We do not always have time in the evening for ‘in home’ training. It is best if we can come in the day.