Obedience Classes
Urban Companion Dog Training
“I don’t have time for multiple training each day”
“I want a dog who ‘acts nice’ and behaves in the house”
“I just want my dog to stop knocking things over in the house or pulling on the leash when walking”
“Stop my dog from chasing dogs/people or barking.”
If you’ve ever made the above statements then this course is for you. Just think about walking down the road without your dog lunging at other dogs or squirrels. Wouldn’t it be nice to have the tools needed to stop confrontations between your dog and another? Or maybe you’d just like your dog to sit and stay quietly so you can enjoy the time spent with your pet. You don’t want to learn behavioral skills and advanced training, you just want a good pet. The graduates of the Urban Companion Dog Training Program have achieved these results before ending their course. Then the Companion Dog Training Course is for you This course is perfect for people whose dog is not causing problems, they are just having trouble teaching it to be reliable and obedient. It is also the perfect course for someone looking for a refresher course, have adopted a dog who has some training, or whose dog needs is not paying attention to commands.
- Week 1 – Goals and Training Methods. Equipment and Treats, (Small, soft treats are recommended. No kibble. Hard treats take too long to chew and the crumbs are a distraction.)
- Praise – The importance of proper praise
- Leash control
- Hands on Down.
- Sit, Down and Stand.
- Week 2 – Building the skills a puppy needs to enter society without endangering itself or people.
- Sit, Down & Stand with 30 sec.
- Stay.
- Heel with Automatic Sit.
- Informal Recall, Hands On Down Update.
- Week 3 – Building trust and reliability
- Sit & Down for 1 min. and a 3’ step out.
- Stand for 1 min.
- Heeling with Auto Sits and turns.
- Long Return.
- Week 4 – Teaching the puppy important behaviors that will help when traveling, at the vets, and when walking among strangers.
- Sit and Down 2 mins.
- With 6’ step out.
- Stand For Examination.
- Formal Recall & Finish.
- More Heeling.
- Value of Leave It and Watch Me.
- Week 5 – Testing the dog’s ability. Learning how to build a reliable stay that you can trust.
- Sit & Stay, Down & Stay with Challenge.
- Check Leave It and Watch Me.
- Shaping Behaviours for tricks and tasks.
- Heeling with oncoming traffic.
- Week 6 –
- First Aid for your dog.
- The Gauntlet.
- GRADUATION! Throughout the course we’ll discuss various topics such as crate training, housebreaking, grooming and such, as time permits. Questions are always welcome, anytime.
- 6 weeks = $99
[button color=”green” size=”small or large” open_in_new_window=”yes” link=”https://kab.universitas-brawijaya.ac.id/registration/[button] Register Now[/button]
Advanced Obedience 2 Course
- An assessment from one of our trainers. Heel with focus on a loose leash, stay for 5 minutes with handler at least 15′ away, do not break the stay if another dog walks by, good recall amid distractions. A medium level of engagement. Or,
- CGN certificate or CD title or Novice Rally. Or,
- McCain level 2. Advance obedience from another schoolOr,
- Basic Obedience 1 or S.T.A.R.T
This course is for people who want to compete to a CDX obedience level or Rally, or Agility with their dog. It is also perfect for people who want to confidently and safely travel, visit, hike, swim, or job with their dog. This is also a great course to help build skills for a reactive dog and help them cope in unfamiliar environments, or around strange people. In this course we will introduce wheel chairs, walkers, people dressed strange, and loud noises. (reactive dogs will be given plenty of warning)
- Potty on Command
- Take Down and Stay to the next level – 5 minute stay – stay out of sight
- Preparation for competition
- Remain calm in crisis
- Distance Recall
- Heeling through an obstacle course and crowds
- Retrieve
- Jumping Hurdles and obstacle Course
- Improving Focus
- Stand for Grooming, and Vet
- Improve Performance By Letting Your Dog think it is in control
8 Weeks – $160 ________________________________________
Excel Obedience 3 Course
- Down in motion
- Down while isolated and distracted
- Reaction training: Do not Chase or Bark
- Recall – Stop – down at a distance
- Handling the reactive/fearful dog
- Managing separation anxiety
- Managing aggression
- Socializing and helping with stress for high stress situations
- Heel off leash with no cues for you
- Follow directions using hand signals
8 weeks – $160